Ready to advance recruitment, training, and retention at your healthcare organization?

Join the Health Workforce Collaborative today. It’s free, easy, and only takes a few minutes.

How Does It Work?

Health Workforce Collaborative for Employers provides free and paid recruitment, training, and retention solutions for your healthcare organization.

Promote your Organization

Helping you gain the attention of career seekers, health professional students, and healthcare workers who are exploring, preparing, and advancing their health careers. 

Find Solutions

Helping you solve your recruitment, training, and retention challenges with solutions listed by workforce development organizations, training providers, and peers.

Collaborate with Partners

Helping you find and connect with local, regional, and statewide workforce developers and training providers to grow and develop a quality health workforce together.

Organization Profile

Solution Marketplace

Partner Database

More Value Coming Soon

The Health Workforce Collaborative platform for Employers is designed with you at the heart of every feature. While we are proud of our current offerings, this is just the beginning.

We are committed to continual improvements and are actively developing new features, including future workforce data insights and AI candidate matching to further enhance your experience. Stay tuned for future updates, designed to deliver even greater value and crafted with human-centered design principles to meet your needs.

Ready to get started?

Join the Health Workforce Collaborative today. It's free, easy, and only takes a few minutes.