"No one
is listening to us"

More people than ever are hospitalized with COVID-19. Health-care workers can’t go on like this. – The Atlantic

"Physicians’ mental health concerns affect the quality of life of caregivers, patient safety, health care expenditures, and occupational turnover."

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The American Nurses Association, the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and several other nursing groups have compiled online resources with links to mental health programs as well as tips for getting through each pandemic workday.Medscape



“I don't think we can underestimate the reality of turnover.”

There are an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 traveling nurses working assignments in this country on any given day.

Staffing companies typically take about 25 percent of the total rate paid by medical organizations, industry officials say. Still, a travel nurse working year-round can earn $100,000. With COVID assignments, that amount could swell significantly.” –  Medscape 

Staffing Shortages

“Hospitals across the nation are competing for qualified nurses as COVID-19 cases continue to rise and burnout among health care workers is very real.”

Courier Journal

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Burnout in Healthcare Workers

“A study published in September in the scientific journal PLoS ONE found that roughly 51% of healthcare professionals surveyed reported experiencing burnout during the pandemic.” 

NH Business Review

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PPE Shortages

“‘Our days are filled with fear and doubt. It’s like driving a car without seatbelts.'”

The New York Times

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The Facts

In the imminent future

 “Patients will start to die because there simply aren’t enough people to care for them. Doctors and nurses will burn out. The most precious resource the U.S. health-care system has in the struggle against COVID-19 isn’t some miracle drug. It’s the expertise of its health-care workers—and they are exhausted.”  – MSNBC

More jobs than we could ever fill.

Hospitals in nearly every state are recruiting contract nurses to fill shifts. And those pandemic-driven jobs often pay “crisis rates” that swell compensation 20% to 30% above normal rates, especially for in-demand jobs like nurses with ICU experience. 


You have the power to be the hero.